13 Scary Clowns in Movies and Television
Why are clowns so terrifying? Is it the blood-red lips? Or the perpetually-smiling mouths? Maybe they terrified us as children, like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. For someone with a fear of clowns, often called “coulrophobia”, even the most joyful clowns are downright sinister. And even when they’re actually harmless, clowns can appear unsettling or weird. As far as we’re concerned, all clowns are scary clowns! With this in mind, we looked at the 13 of the most iconic scary clowns in movies and television, along with a number of honorable mentions.
Infographic designed by Abby Bartels for HalloweenCostumes.com. Download a higher-resolution version at the link below.
Originally published at https://www.halloweencostumes.com.