DIY Mickey & Friends Tattoo Designs

Wyatt Edwards
2 min readDec 21, 2021


We love when people get super excited about their fandoms and aren’t ashamed to show it. That person who wears a Star Wars shirt every day of the week? Fantastic. Or someone who cosplays at every Marvel movie premiere? There’s some dedication. And how about people totally covered in Disney tattoos? Well…that’s pretty awesome, though it’s maybe not for everyone. In fact, it’s the reason why Smartypants McScientistface invented temporary tattoos in a secret lab somewhere. But you don’t have to visit a secret lab to get some cool Mickey and Minnie temporary tattoos. That’s right, we’ve got designs of all your favorite Disney friends! Just print them out on temporary tattoo paper, and be sure to follow the instructions or else your tattoo will become permanent! It works that way, right? Aaanyways, we have previews of the images below, but make sure to download the printable file by following the link at the bottom of the article!

Modern Mickey and Friends Designs

Modern, colorful, and absolutely summery drawings of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and Daisy Duck. Plus a fun M-I-C-K-E-Y text design!

Retro Mickey Gloves and Accessories

Mickey’s retro gloves in various poses, plus his red pants and Minnie’s classic flower hat!

Disney Logo and More Accessories

More accessories like Daisy’s bow, Goofy’s hat, and Donald’s sailor shirt, and a modern take on the classic Disney logo in three different colors.

Mickey Sayings and More Logos

Classic Mickey Mouse and Goofy quotes and more Disney logos with a flower and gradient effect.

DIY Printable Tattoos

The free, high-resolution downloadable files are at the link below!

These tattoos were designed for by Jacob Kuddes.

Originally published at



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